Exquisite Workers announces the first NFT Competition for Climate at COP26

DigitalArt4Climate co-creators about the Exquisite Corpse wisdom. Enter the whitelist!

Exquisite Workers
5 min readApr 8, 2022

The United Nations has declared 2021 to be the Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development in recognition of art’s vital role in inciting positive change with creative solutions. In this spirit, in July 2021 Exquisite Workers together with GloCha, UN-Habitat, Unique Network, and Social Alpha Foundation established DigitalArt4Climate Art Competition.

This unprecedented initiative curated by Anna Dart has invited creators of all ages and nationalities to contribute to climate action through the combined power of art and technology with a simple message Earth Needs Heart.

Exquisite Workers creates Earth Needs Heart collection of 12 1/1 NFTs featuring: Niharika Kapil, Perrine Honoré, Andrea Gracia, Maria Triquell, Roger Haus, Pepe Pegotero, Sylvia Yruela, La Nube De Sal, Ferr-W, Paula Navascues, Lourdes Laó, Mariona Tolosa. Image Courtesy of Exquisite Workers.

Participating artists have had a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to share their art and concern about the climate emergency in the digital screens at COP26, UK, the biggest climate conference in history in November 2021, and be seen by 120 world leaders and over 40,000 participants, including 22,274 party delegates, 14.124 observers and 3.886 media representatives. In 2021 DigitalArt4Climate received 208 entries from across 58 countries.

Exquisite Corpse game invented by the Surrealists a hundred years ago became the symbol of the first NFT Art Competition introduced at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, UK.

“Exquisite Corpse is the library of wisdom and teaches us that each next single contribution to the collective expression hugely counts,” shares Anna Dart. “We are proud to join the United Nations led global efforts to master the climate crisis and inspire bold and effective climate action with youth focused narratives through digital art and innovative technology.”

Exquisite Workers brings the Exquisite Corpse tradition to the COP26. Featured artists: Niharika Kapil, Perrine Honoré, Andrea Gracia, Maria Triquell, Roger Haus, Pepe Pegotero, Sylvia Yruela, La Nube De Sal, Ferr-W, Paula Navascues, Lourdes Laó, Mariona Tolosa. Image Courtesy of DigitalArt4Climate.

Known for the impressive collective artwork inspired by Surrealists, Exquisite Workers, highly curated social media platform, has been gracing the most prestigious digital art shows and fronting the global charity campaigns. Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Exquisite Workers believes that art is a vehicle for social good.

“There is nothing more powerful than the visualization of interconnected pieces/blocks in one chain — which are eventually masterpieces on their own — and how they build the future, like the steps of a monumental straircase. Always going forward, yet in the most unexpected ways. Exquisite Corpse game is here to meet the universal craving of experiencing sublime.” — says Roger Haus, founder at Exquisite Workers and a co-creator of the DigitalArt4Climate.

Miroslav Polzer and Anna Dart announce the public voting of the NFT Art Competition at UN Climate Change Conference UK. Image courtesy of DigitalArt4Climate.

Connecting to our humanity was a key theme in the Art Competition in 2021. Stepping up to the task, DigitalArt4Climate applicants created works in a wide array of of traditional and technological instruments and mediums ranging from digitized watercolour to dance to jewelry, all touching on a diversity of issues, such as extreme weather, mass consumption of plastic, air pollution, and more.

The distinguished COP26 collection which unites the pieces for the 30 finalists and the winners and the DigitalArt4Climate global ambassadors is expected to be individually auctioned off on June 5, 2022, recognized globally as World Environment Day, in support of the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

Art Gence 3D gallery displaying the finalists, winners and ambassadors of the competition. Image courtesy of DigitalArt4Climate.

In addition to showcasing the COP26 Collection throughout the Global Summit on digital billboards and via the project’s website, DigitalArt4Climate has also partnered with environmentally-conscious metaverse space Artgence to create a three-dimensional and emotionally immersive virtual gallery, as well as with Dow Jones Live & The Wall Street Journal Iconic Mints virtual exhibition.

Iconic mints is an interactive gallery of the most meaningful NFTs in history, such as Barrons’s Magazine mint, Gary Vee, CryptoKitties, Art Blocks, Decentraland, The Fabricant, CryptoPunks, Exquisite Workers and other NFT stars.

The COP26 Collection curated by Anna Dart represents the first NFTs exhibited at the UN Climate Change Conference, UK and in the major UN office in Geneva, Switzerland, and will be auctioned off in summer 2022. Images courtesy of DigitalArt4Climate.

The DigitalArt4Climate uses environmentally friendly blockchain technology to transform art into digital assets or clean NFTs, which may be collected and traded.

This opens up a new environment of socio-technological innovation that aids in the mobilization of natural resources and climate empowerment.

Unprecedented COP26 collection featured on CNN Philippines and WSJ+ champions Bricx Martillo Dumas, Eka, Amir Karimi, Chloé Hajjar, Kat Hassell, Elena Gris, Gemma Quevedo, Davi Russo, Amazing Devya, Nico Lob, Judit Canela, Nicolle Rockstroh etc.

“Being asked to serve as UN DigitalArt4Climate Ambassadors is truly humbling,” says Anna Dart. “The chance to make a real difference is not an opportunity that everyone is given and is one we have no intention of taking lightly. Climate is something so inextricably linked with who Exquisite Workers are, so strongly rooted in our lives and cherished that we cannot imagine a chance more exciting.”

CNN Philippines congratulates Bricx Martillo Dumas with the First Award at COP26. Images courtesy of DigitalArt4Climate.

“We still have a lot to learn, but as we progress we hope to bring to this role more of our individual awereness and collective experience as well as the wisdom and knowledge of our greatest mentors Surrealists,” adds Roger Haus.

Anna Dart invites to participate in the public voting of the NFT Art Competition at UN Climate Change Conference UK. Image courtesy of DigitalArt4Climate.

Broadcasting a philosophical vision on how artistic recognition can allow us to acknowledge universal challenges, Roger states: “We believe that through the process of appreciating art, we witness the struggles and the brilliance of humanity, and through the process of creating art, we surrender to the brilliance within ourselves.”

From left to right: WSJ+ 3D gallery displaying the finalists, winners and ambassadors of the competition; Exquisite Workers in the first year of life has created over 1.5K interconnected artworks inspired by the Exquisite Corpse technique. Image courtesy of Exquisite Workers.

To collect “Earth Needs Heart” by Exquisite Workers from the COP26 Collection enter the whitelist.

Whitelisted wallets will have the chance to access and collect the Earth Needs Heart one day before the general public. We will send you an email one day before the whitelist exclusive access period begins. You will then have 24 hours to purchase the Earth Needs Heart before it is accessible to the public.

How to be whitelisted:

send your request to digitalart4climateteam@gmail.com indicating “DigitalArt4Climate #31 Collect”.

See more of Exquisite Workers´s work on Twitter and Instagram. Visit 3D Galleries with Exquisite Workers´s artwork on Art Gence 3D and WSJ+.

Mention on Media: Venture Beat, Blockleaders, Bitcoin Insider, Blogarama, Hitechglitz, Jack Of All Techs, and DigitalArt4Climate Youtube Channel.



Exquisite Workers

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