Success AI Stories of AmliArt and TocoDeco

A Weekly AI Collective meets talented AI artists on Twitter. Ep 16, 2023.

Exquisite Workers
7 min readFeb 8, 2023

Barcelona, Spain — February 8, 2023 — In the sixteenth episode of the Twitter Spaces by A Weekly AI Collective we are meeting AmliArt, and TocoDeco, uprising AI artists, who share with us their artists paths, goals and thoughts on AI technology.

A Weekly AI Collective was founded in collaboration with Exquisite Workers to educate the community about the AI Art, shine light on the AI artists from around the world, and share our excitement about NFTs and blockchain. A Weekly AI Collective chooses Twitter Spaces as it is an easy and comfortable way to have free live audio conversations and interviews on Twitter by using your phone.

AWAIC Ep. 16 with AmliArt, and TocoDeco. Image courtesy of AWAIC.


AmliArt is an AI art enthusiast and educator who is passionate about promoting understanding of the potential of AI, both positive and negative. Through her artwork, curiosity, and sense of humor, AmliArt explores the vulnerability of what it means to be human. She co-hosts the The New Renaissance show that explores the culture and theory behind AI Art. As an advocate for mental health and Chronic Illness and Neuro Divergence (CIND), she openly shares her own experiences with chronic illness and is a vocal in her support of using AI to help narrow the gap for disabled creatives.

AmliArt´s work is available on OpenSea, NiftyGateway, KnownOrigin, and

Link of the artist —

“The Beginning of the End of the End” by AmliArt. Image courtesy of AmliArt.


TocoDeco a Latin American artist and curator who focuses on the spaces between — where art genres and mediums intersect. TocoDeco´s art trends towards conceptual, minimalist and abstract, however, experimenting with mediums and processes is an important part of her practice. TocoDeco holds a Masters in Interdisciplinary Fine Art, taught at the university level, and has been featured in exhibitions, books and periodicals internationally. She is founder of WizardConNFT, a platform to highlight the intersection of emerging technology and art.

TocoDeco´s work is available on, Foundation, and Rarible.

Link of the artist —

“Serendipity” by TocoDeco. Image courtesy of TocoDeco.

The questions that we asked the guest artists are:

  • Tell us about yourself and how you discovered AI. When did this happen and how have you used AI, including the tools and your sources of inspiration.
  • What are the deeper themes your work explores and how does your experimentation with AI connect with that greater purpose for your artistic practice?
  • What is the most challenging, and perhaps the most liberating part of using AI from your perspective?
  • As pioneers in AI art, how do you imagine the evolution of your artistic path over the coming years — how will you evolve your practice further using AI?
  • What would you recommend to those who are about to start their journey as AI artists in 2023?

AmliArt´s quotes:

“I discovered AI tools in the beginning of 2022 after my chronic illness had made it difficult to continue to paint.”

“I use a party bag of different AI tools. DiscoDiffusion, StableDiffusion, Midjourney, DALL-E 2, RunwayML, AIVA, PhotoMosh, Photoshop, DreamBooth, Automattic1111, ChatGPT…you name it. They each have a different pull for me. I love Disco’s weird style, Stable’s flexibility, MJ’s distinctive look, DallE’s outpainting. In each of my works I will use two to five of these tools to complete a piece, iterating off itself until it has grown into something new and unique.”

“I have always been an organic creator, even when using traditional art mediums. I could never sit down at a canvas and visualize precisely what I wanted something to look like. Instead, I would start with a general idea and feeling I wanted to convey, put my brush to the canvas, and explore the shapes and images that began to emerge.”

“With AI this process is taken and heightened. It is a constant discovery. A dance really, and I love that. I can explore the ideas in my head across realms of styles and mutations. It is hugely gratifying.”

“The most challenging part of AI is keeping up with the tools. The medium is growing, fast, too fast. It is impossible to stay on top of all the new toys there are out there to play with. But this is also part of what makes it so uniquely exciting.
What would you recommend to those who are about to start their journey as AI artists in 2023? Go on twitter or discord, follow AI Artists, ask questions, be ready to fail, ask more questions, fail more, and keep experimenting.”

“Forgive Me My Hold On You” by AmliArt. Image courtesy of AmliArt.

TocoDeco´s quotes:

“I discovered AI when I entered the NFT space and an AI artist contacted me about liking my work. He wanted to replicate my gestural lines with his algorithm but was unable to. We ended up doing some AI collage collaborations using his fields of textural color and my squiggles.”

“My artistic practice focuses on experimentation and exploring the space in between genres and styles. AI is exciting for me because I get to explore it as a new medium and make that a theme for the work itself. The greater purpose of my practice is always to cause a shift in someone’s emotion or perception. I love how art can both create a brand new experience and also create a moment of questioning what is.”

“The most challenging part is getting the AI to do what I want it to do. It takes hours, days even, but it’s also a bit addictive. I arrive at most of my art from a fully formed idea I am trying to manifest into reality. Using AI requires me to be more flexible, but in return, I get to collaborate and be informed by the AI as well.”

“I can see myself mixing other genres with AI in the future. I would love to do an immersive installation in a physical space incorporating AI elements, for example. I like it when people get to walk into, and interact with, my artwork, because this creates a micro utopia where the viewer activates the art and is transported by the experience.”

“For anyone wishing to learn how to use AI to create artwork: I would recommend they get their feet wet by using any of the free or low cost AI tools available and by learning from others. It’s the kind of thing that is hard to understand until you do it. There’s many tools to try out and many amazing people who are more than happy to share their knowledge.”

“The Sentinel” by by TocoDeco. Image courtesy of TocoDeco.

Thanks so much to everyone who made the AWAIC Ep 16 possible. And thanks to you for reading. If you find this article useful, please consider sharing with your favorite AI friends and fellow AI communities. They will love it!

Listen to the Twitter Spaces via this link. The duration is 2:20 min. Language: English.

Caption from AWAIC Ep 16: co-hosts, guests and listeners. Image courtesy of Anna Dart.

Want to tune in to the upcoming A Weekly AI Collective Twitter Spaces?

It is easy! On Monday February 13, 2023 we are having an exciting chat about AI art with the major AI Art collectors in space: @lifeofc , @miumiutini , @chrisostoich , @karografie , @kapstone , @GEORGINAHOOPER_. Drop by, ask your questions, share your experience, and get inspired. This is the link to connect.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions or if you want to work with us, feel free to contact us. For business inquiries or very personal reasons, you can send us an email via hello[at] (Replace [at] with @, this tactic is to avoid spam). We are always available and happy to help artists and AI art collectors like you!

Would like to try the AI tools and do not know where to start?

No problem! We invite you to explore the AI tool Box by Time Traveller AI, AWAIC communite memeber. It is a great thread on Twitter which covers the major AI tools such as DALL-E 2, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion (with prompts and examples of outcomes). 🔥

You are also welcome to discover our previous articles.

Don’t forget to give us your 👏 if you liked the article!



Exquisite Workers

🎨 AI Art Expert 🏆 Midjourney Master 🫰 Monetize Your AI Art Skills ❤️‍🔥 Organizer of the largest AI art exhibition in history, NYC, 2023 😲